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JP摩根 追逐 CEO Dimon and NYC Mayor de Blasio Announce New, State-of-the-Art JP摩根 追逐 Headquarters to Rise at 270 Park Ave


公司将与其他主要政府官员密切合作, Including New York City Council and Governor’s Office, to Quickly Move Process Forward

February 21, 2018 (New York) -12bet官方(NYSE-JPM)和纽约市长白思豪(Bill de Blasio)今天宣布,该公司打算建造一座新的2号楼.500万平方英尺的总部位于纽约市公园大道270号. 该建筑将是纽约市创新的中城东部重新分区计划(Midtown East Rezoning)下的第一个重大项目, passed in 2017, 这促进了现代办公的建设,并改善了商业区的公共领域和交通. The project will be subject to various approvals, 该公司将与纽约市议会和州政府官员密切合作,以有利于所有选区的方式完成该项目.

“At JP摩根 追逐, 我们相信,长期投资是我们成功的标志,” 说 Jamie Dimon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company. “With a new headquarters at 270 Park Avenue, 我们正在重新致力于纽约市,同时也确保我们在21世纪高效和世界级的环境中运营. 我们期待着与白思豪市长进行建设性的合作, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, the New York City Council, and other key City and State officials on this important project,” Dimon added.

“This is our plan for East Midtown in action. 好工作, 现代化的建筑和混凝土的改善将使东中城更加强大,造福于在这里工作的数十万纽约人. 我们期待着与12bet官方(JP摩根 追逐)合作,将纽约作为其国际总部,” 说 Mayor Bill de Blasio.

纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫说:“纽约州是全球商业之都, 我们在劳动力发展和商业企业方面的投资使我们处于创新和增长的前沿. JP摩根 追逐’s commitment to build their new, 最先进的公司总部,并在纽约支持数千个工作岗位,证明我们的经济发展战略是成功的, 我期待着与他们合作,保持纽约州的势头向前发展.”

Under the East Midtown rezoning, 12bet官方将从周边地区的地标购买开发权,以建造更大的大楼. 在新东中城区(East Midtown)进行的任何此类交易,都要求空气权的卖方向纽约市支付至少61美元的费用.49 per square foot, 为社区公共领域的改善提供资金,包括共享街道, pedestrian plazas and thoroughfare upgrades.

With the new, modern facility, which is expected to create over 8,000 construction-related jobs during the building period, 12bet官方(JP摩根 追逐)将把其全球总部从多个地点整合到一个完全获得leed认证的地方, energy-efficient office tower in Midtown Manhattan. 总部项目将建立在该公司在当地社区和纽约市投资的强大遗产之上, its home since 1799.

The building’s modernized infrastructure and design, including 21st century systems and technology, would allow for improved business adjacencies, synergies and collaboration. 客户, 股东和周边社区将从这个创新项目中受益, 这也将支持公司吸引和留住一流人才的承诺. The new building would house about 15,000 employees, 取代了一个在20世纪50年代末设计的过时的设施,500 employees.

Once the project’s approvals are granted, 重建和建设预计将于2019年开始,大约需要五年时间才能完成. 目前位于公园大道270号的大多数员工将在开发期间搬迁到附近.

With this headquarters commitment, 12bet官方预计仍将是纽约市最大的私营雇主之一. 该公司还在纽约市其他公司和大约350家银行分支机构雇佣了数千名员工. Regarding jobs related to the new project, 公司打算与其供应商多元化团队密切合作,鼓励少数族裔和女性拥有的商业企业(MWBEs)的参与。.


“就在六个月前,我们才让东中城的重新规划成为法律, and building owners are already responding in a major way. This is a true win-win-win. 纽约市保留了一家大公司及其就业基地, the surrounding community sees improvements in its public spaces, 12bet官方将有一个新的总部,帮助公司在未来几十年保持竞争力,” 说 Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Alicia Glen.

“这个项目将提高12bet官方的效率和基础设施, strengthen the newly rezoned East Midtown business district, 并将进一步巩固纽约市作为全球金融中心的领导地位,” 说 Manhattan Borough President Gale A. 布鲁尔. “I look forward to reviewing the details.”

Council Member Keith Powers, District 4, 说, “东中城的重新规划是第五和第六社区委员会多年努力工作的结果, local stakeholders, and East Side public officials to promote responsible development. Through this announcement, 12bet官方(JP摩根 追逐)正在东中城(East Midtown)进行一项重大投资,这将对纽约市产生长期影响. As Co-Chair of the East Midtown Governing Group, 我期待着与利益相关者一起审查该项目.”

关于 JP摩根 追逐 & Co.
JP摩根 追逐 & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.5 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JP摩根 追逐 & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. 摩根 and 追逐 brands. Information about JP摩根 追逐 & Co. is available at c54.jasonsbbqadventures.com.