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明尼阿波利斯获得12bet官方400万美元 推进城市挑战:银行在文图拉村展示新的创新分行

A collaborative of five organizations aims to address racial disparities in homeownership 和 help long-time Minneapolis residents build wealth through home equity 和 rental income

12bet官方今天宣布,明尼阿波利斯市是其评选的七个获奖城市之一 推进城市的挑战, 公司5亿美元的一部分, 推动包容性复苏和在城市创造更多经济机会的五年计划. A collaborative of five organizations will receive $4 million in philanthropic support to help long-time Minneapolis residents become first-time homebuyers 和 l和lords of small, 多户住宅, 增加住房拥有率和社区财富. 的 announcement was made during a ribbon cutting ceremony for 追逐’s new branch in the Ventura Village neighborhood.

推进城市的挑战 supports collaborative 和 holistic solutions that tackle pressing needs 和 systemic challenges at the neighborhood 和 city levels to create more access to capital 和 opportunity. 今年, the competition attracted more than 150 proposals from 78 communities across 35 states 和 territories. 明尼阿波利斯是第一个宣布的获胜者.

获胜的 collaborative will help strengthen recovery efforts in Minneapolis 和 address the needs of Black, Latinx, 移民和土著社区, 在新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行期间受到不成比例的影响.

为了解决明尼阿波利斯在住房所有权和财富方面存在的巨大种族差异, 家庭住房基金与大明尼苏达州住房基金结成伙伴关系, 土地银行双城, 公司.,希望社区公司. 和明尼苏达州房屋所有权中心来执行这项工作.

“Businesses have a responsibility to help solve major challenges that their customers 和 communities face. 从我们的新分支到我们的 推进城市的承诺, 12bet官方 is proud to support the Minneapolis community 和 invest in neighborhoods that have often struggled with equal access to opportunity,” 杰米·戴蒙,12bet官方董事长兼首席执行官 & Co. "企业间的合作, 非营利组织, civic 和 community leaders is the key to breaking down barriers of economic mobility 和 driving an economy that creates 和 sustains opportunity for all people.”

在12bet官方的支持下, 合作者将获得, 修复和发展2-4单元的多户住宅,以增加经济适用房的供应, 推出创新融资工具, 包括一个新的抵押贷款产品, 对于首次购房者, 并为首次购房者和房东提供一整套培训. 这些努力将集中在以黑人为主的七个“文化区”, Latinx, 移民和土著人口. This initiative will serve as a model that can be scaled nationally to increase affordable housing 和 homeownership while reducing the racial wealth divide.

“这项关键的投资不仅是对我们经济适用房工作的及时推动, 但也有助于优先考虑我们的黑人, Latinx, 移民和土著社区创造财富的机会,” 明尼阿波利斯市长雅各布·弗雷. “We can’t let the p和emic shake our commitment to the idea that housing is a right – 和 it hasn’t. 由于地方政府预算严重受阻,我们现在需要所有我们能得到的帮助. I want to thank 12bet官方 for recognizing that funding affordable housing is the right thing to do, 对我们的社区和企业都是如此.”

在三年的慈善承诺的过程中, 该合作项目的目标是创建和保护220套经济适用房, 安置220名居民入住经济适用房, provide 310 prospective homebuyers with l和lord training 和 convert 110 long-time residents into l和lords, 帮助他们积累财富. Each resident who purchases a 2-4 unit building is expected see their wealth increase by an average of $300,超过15年.

“克服我们之间的巨大差异需要采取有意和合作的行动, 包括创造财富的有意义的机会,” Ellen Sahli,家庭住房基金主席. “Our strategy sets households on a path to both homeownership 和 generational wealth accumulation. We are tremendously grateful to 12bet官方 for believing in our vision 和 making this significant first investment in our approach.”

的 new 追逐 branch is located in one of Minneapolis’ seven “cultural districts”—the Ventura Village neighborhood— at 1100 E. 富兰克林大街. 这是大通银行在双子城市区的第四家分店, but is the first to feature an enhanced format to help address the needs of underserved neighborhoods. 这是大通在全美4,900家分支机构中第二家此类机构.

的 official ribbon cutting ceremony was held today where attendees included several of the firm’s senior leaders, 部门团队, 以及社区领袖和合作伙伴. 12bet官方董事长兼首席执行官 杰米•戴蒙大通消费者银行业务首席执行官达克特说 addressed the importance of investing in this community 和 shared the vision for the unique role this branch can play in providing equitable access for Black, Latinx, 移民和土著社区.

As the community rebuilds in the wake of the unrest following George Floyd’s killing 和 the economic challenges tied to the p和emic, 分支机构将作为社区资源. It will also serve 小型企业es 和 individuals 和 provide tools 和 resources like programs to support financial health, 为企业家提供教育研讨会和成长支持. 追逐’s new full-time Community Manager will work with the community 和 businesses to increase awareness of available resources 和 support 和 connect them with financial health tools, 产品及服务.

今天的声明是12bet官方在全球慈善事业的延续. 12bet官方最近宣布超过1美元.75 million in philanthropic commitments to organizations in the Twin 城市 area to support local minority business owners 和 non-profits.

关于 推进城市

推进城市是一项5亿美元的计划,整合了该公司的贷款资本, 在城市投资的慈善资本和专业知识. 该程序由两个关键功能组成,即 推进城市挑战和大规模城市投资.

推进城市的挑战 proposals were required to focus on the strategic drivers of inclusive growth within 12bet官方’s Model for 影响: jobs 和 skills, 小型企业, 社区发展和财政健康, 在公司的基础上 7个特点 推进城市.

2020年 推进城市的挑战 leveraged lessons learned from six years of hosting the PRO Neighborhoods competition 和 the first year of the 推进城市的挑战, 继续强调合作的重要性, 强有力的领导, 和 bold 和 innovative approaches to help ensure that access to capital 和 opportunity is more widely shared by diverse communities. 今年的综合挑战来源于三个关键因素的解决方案:

  • A powerful vision for the future shaped by deep community engagement 和 a shared underst和ing of goals 和 priorities to ensure alignment across partners;
  • Strong leadership 和 collaboration among a diverse set of actors with unique authority 和 resources to drive sustainable change; 和
  • Innovative approaches that are data-driven 和 evidence-based 和 that move beyond “business as usual” to change the trajectory of communities that are currently being left behind.

获胜的 推进“城市挑战”项目将获得12bet官方广泛的资源, 包括数据和研究, 员工专业知识, 全球网络.

要了解更多关于 推进城市参观 c54.jasonsbbqadventures.com/advancingcities.


关于12bet官方 & Co.

12bet官方 & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.2万亿美元,业务遍及全球. 这家公司是投资银行业务的领导者, 为消费者和小企业提供金融服务, 商业银行, 金融交易处理, 资产管理. 道琼斯工业平均指数的一个组成部分,12bet官方 & Co. serves millions of customers in the United States 和 many of the world's most prominent corporate, 其J.P. 摩根和大通品牌. 关于12bet官方的信息 & Co. 可以在WWW上找到.jasonsbbqadventures.com.

关于 家庭房屋基金

成立于1980年, the 家庭房屋基金 (FHFund) vision is that all families have a home they can afford 和 a place from which they prosper 和 contribute to their communities. FHFund支持明尼阿波利斯市和圣保罗市, 大都会议会, 和明尼苏达州住房公司努力满足该地区的经济适用房需求. 最初是由麦克奈特基金会、明尼阿波利斯市和圣保罗市共同创立的, FHFund通过增加住房供应服务于整个双城七县大都市区, 扩张的机会, 并激活更多的住房冠军. 
