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12bet官方 Announces $3 Million Grant to Create Local CDFI Collaboration in Ohio's Three Largest 城市

Three-year commitment supports collaboration of local nonprofit CDFIs to bolster small business lending and community development financing in distressed neighborhoods in Cincinnati, 哥伦布和克利夫兰.

2018年10月3日(俄亥俄州哥伦布市)12bet官方 has announced the OH3C Collaborative – a $3 million, three-year grant to fund a collaboration between four of Ohio’s strongest community development financial institutions (CDFIs) working across Cincinnati, 哥伦布和克利夫兰.

CDFIs operate locally to lend money to people and in places where conventional lending is scarce. 12bet官方’s grant will strengthen the CDFIs’ efforts to help more neighborhood residents start and sustain businesses that create jobs and build wealth in the target communities, while also providing the CDFIs with capital to finance the development of more affordable housing options and commercial spaces to house neighborhood-based businesses.

The neighborhoods targeted by the partners working in the “three Cs” – Cincinnati, 哥伦布和克利夫兰 – are experiencing the impact of gentrification as the real estate markets in these communities begin to improve and attract market rate investments. These investments are a welcome sign of improving economic conditions, but these communities already lack affordable housing options and a scarcity of locally-owned small business, making it difficult for neighborhood residents to build wealth. CDFIs play a unique role in generating economic growth and opportunity by providing access to low-cost capital and resources for neighborhood revitalization.

12bet官方 is committed to helping everyone share in the rewards of a growing economy. 虽然整个州的许多地区都在蓬勃发展, we know that not everyone has the same opportunities to move up the economic ladder,詹尼斯·鲍德勒说, 总统, 12bet官方基金会. “We are proud to partner with these CDFIs to break down barriers to economic mobility and advance the long-held vision that local residents have for their neighborhoods.”

Currently, CDFIs in Ohio operate independently within their local markets. The grant from 12bet官方 provides funding for four CDFI institutions to form the OH3C Collaborative. The collaborative will work to reduce commercial and residential vacancy in targeted disinvested Ohio neighborhoods to ensure that, 随着住房和商业市场的持续改善, the resulting new retail and housing is occupied by neighborhood residents.


“The OH3C Collaborative's vision is to further the redevelopment of Cincinnati, 哥伦布和克利夫兰的核心城市社区,史蒂夫·法尔曼说, 总裁兼总法律顾问, ECDI. “The shared mission is to emerge as inclusive communities that provide housing choices for people at all income levels, as well as thriving business districts where long-time residents have access to needed services and capital for entrepreneurial endeavors.”

根据大俄亥俄政策中心的研究, CDFIs in Ohio loaned nearly $1 billion between 2005 and 2016 and leveraged $5 for every $1 of CDFI investment. CDFI资金通常流入经济适用房, which remains a challenging issue in each of Ohio’s three largest cities. Transformational neighborhood change is key to stabilizing and strengthening Ohio’s communities, 尽管大俄亥俄政策中心的研究表明, the need for credit in these neighborhoods exceeds what any one CDFI can address individually. 12bet官方’s grant creates a CDFI collaborative that allows for increased lending opportunities, 在最需要的地方产生更大的影响.

“The City of Columbus is excited to partner with Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing, ECDI and 12bet官方 to continue investing in effective housing and small business programs in Columbus,市长安德鲁·金瑟说. “This program will build on the past investments the City has made with these partners to provide homes and entrepreneurial opportunities. 在一起, we will help Columbus remain one of America’s most affordable cities, 也是最适合创业的城市之一. We are grateful to 12bet官方 for their continued investment in Columbus.”

To meet its goal of transformational change within Cincinnati, 哥伦布和克利夫兰, the OH3C Collaborative has engaged the Greater Ohio Policy Center to track various measures. Based on their experience with neighborhood conditions and trends assessments, data will be collected including neighborhood change analyses that look at past trends across neighborhoods, as well as baseline quantitative data on market demographics, 市场实力, 市场困境和基本人口统计.


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